Verney House
Beth Eden is a residential aged care facility of 61 beds run by Bethany Christian Care. It has a heritage listed building ‘Verney House’ as its centerpiece which was built in the late 1880s and has several links to Brisbane history.
The facilities management wished to upgrade the controllability and security level of this premises through the implementation of a fully automated enterprise level access control system similar to that being successfully utilised at their other sites. The significant age and heritage listing of this building posed a particular challenge in the automation of the facilities doors and meant that a combination hard wired and wireless door system provided the most appropriate solution.
The Integriti Security Controller® with their Intelligent LAN Access Module® was integrated with Assa Abloy Aperio® wireless door systems via the Aperio Communication Hub®. The system was centrally managed by the Integriti Professional Software® application and ultimately accessible via a floating workstation connected to SkyTunnel®, a cloud based security system hardware connection service over the internet. Dual format cards were able to be provided to facilitate staff access across alternate Bethany Christian Care sites which run HID Prox format.

Aperio E100 V3 Series Escutcheon
Client benefits of this access control system:
• Ability to monitor and control the movement of all personnel in your facility. Protect critical assets and manage the safety of the staff and visitors.
• Ability to easily assign access permissions mandating who can go where and when, including visitor access.
• Ensure compliance with business systems and government regulations.
• Respond to emergency situations, lockdowns and alerts.
• Manage your OH&S liability by utilising competency based access control.
• Ability to remotely monitor and control the system via SkyTunnel®.
• System offers a flexible and scalable solution should the facility require the addition of more doors in the future.